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What is an Alongsider?

The idea is quite simple. Anyone who comes into contact with the Kingdom mission and message of the Order and recognises a spiritual connection and would like to join us, is welcome to become one of our Alongsiders. 


We are not asking you to be or to do anything differently; rather, Alongsiders continue their own spiritual journey and ministry, wherever it might lead them, as ‘fellow travellers’ with us. We are all moving towards, and focussing on, a deepening of our relationship with Father God through the mission and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. 


This is about you, our supporters. We know that we can all support, encourage and above all learn from each other and thus grow in the Kingdom. 


We do hope that you will choose to join us in this way and then maybe extend Alongsiders’ invitations to others you know and meet who are of like mind.  

Sign up for our newsletter

There is a newsletter sent out by email twice yearly, with information from the Order, as well as stories, reflections, bible study and witness from other Alongsiders, along with regular thoughts and new teaching from Mike Endicott. 

The newsletter is a free service, for which there is no fee or separate subscription. 
We keep no personal or contact information for Alongsiders other than their name, country of residence and email address. All ‘block’ mailing from us will not show any individual email addresses (Bcc). 

Newsletter Sign Up

Thank you!

Registered Office:


41 Acer Way,


NP25 5UQ

© 2022 Order of Jacobs Well Limited.  Company Registration Number: 10271166 11/6/2016        OJW  Privacy Policy     

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